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21 - Marcelus Kemp


Born in Seattle on May 18, 1984, Marcelus Kemp gains American basketball experience from 2001 to 2008, earning important honours like the NCAA’s “Most Improved Player Award” in 2005. Three years later, he arrives in Italy, where he begins his professional basketball career playing a season with Livorno. In 2009, he transfers to Sardinia’s Dinamo Basket Sassari, with whom he obtains an historic promotion to the A Series, and ends the season with a 21.4 points per game average (plus 4.7 rebounds). In 2010, he heads to Virtus Bologna, where he plays 9 games with an average of 13.6 points (plus 4.4 rebounds). February 2011 brings his move to Turkey’s Besiktas, with whom he makes the Turkish championship playoffs. His numbers this year read 9.6 points (in 20 minutes) in the championship and 11.1 points (in 27 minutes) in Eurochallenge.


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