Mens Sana Busy with Last Season Test in Montecatini (8:45) against Juve Caserta
4 October 2013 Press Release
Tonight (8:45), Montepaschi will be busy in Montecatini with the last pre-season scrimmage. They’re facing Pasta Reggia Caserta with ex-green-and-white, Andrea Michelori. It’s going to be an interesting challenge against a team that’s proven to already be in shape by beating Acea Roma two days ago. Something happened that win that sent made Luca Dalmonte furious. It seems that two staff members got together and agreed to play on single quarters and, thus, without keeping score. That often happens at scrimmages where what mostly counts is what the team is able to do in 10 minutes without pressure, instead of the final results. In fact, Rome held up the first quarter (18-22) and then sank the second where they only scored 3 points according to the data furnished by Caserta, who closed out the game 84-55. But the scoreboard will be lit tonight for a regulation scrimmage, and quarter summaries will be available, as usual, online on Msb Tv from 9:45.