Marco Crespi Presents Acqua Vitasnella Cantù-Montepaschi
23 November 2013 Mens Sana House
Montepaschi’s next match approaches as they prepare to face Acqua Vitasnella at Pianella in tomorrow night in game day seven (live on Rai Sport 1). The team is already in Lombardy and will hold a final practice today.
On game eve, Coach Marco Crespi shares his thoughts about the challenge: “From Istanbul to Cantù, a double away game to add to our group’s memories. Scaripanti’s team plays their basketball made of accelerations convincingly, starting with defense comprised of four big men and, shooters in their externals and adding a point guard with good hands mid quart like Leunen, and quality energy from Cusin and Uter. Our first goal is to play with balance on offense, moving the ball and having all of our players be aggressive.”