Marco Crespi Presents Montepaschi-Sutor Montegranaro
16 November 2013 Mens Sana House
The focus is back on the championship in casa Mens Sana as Montepaschi faces Sutor Montegranaro at PalaEstra tomorrow night at 8:15. The team meets on court late this morning for a final practice. Coach Marco Crespi shares his thoughts with us:
“We’re back from the game against Malaga well aware from the importance and difficulty of this match against Montegranaro. Recalcati’s team attacks in transition, and likes a fast pace. Mayo, Cinciarini and Collins are always aggressive from the dribble, and Sakic and Skeen use their double internal external dimension to open up the court. We want to continue taking small steps forward. Small and concrete, along with our fans.”