Montepaschi Beats Rome and Makes the Semifinals

12 7 February  Mens Sana House

MONTEPASCHI SIENA-ACEA ROMA 76-67 (24-15; 47-37; 58-51)

MONTEPASCHI SIENA: Viggiano 7, Hunter 10, Cournooh, Haynes 18, Carter 4, Janning 5, Ress 2, Ortner 5, Nelson 6, Udom, Cappelletti ne, Green 19. Cch. Crespi

ACEA ROMA: Goss 9, Jones 2, Tonolli ne, Righetti, D’Ercole, Hosley 22, Baron 16, Szewczyk 5, Moraschini 4, Mbakwe 9. Cch. Dalmonte

Montepaschi makes the Beko Final Eight semifinals by defeating Acea Roma co 76-67.

Siena starts off well with a 7-0 run. The green-and-whites do a good job at finding the basket and ruling the paint. They’are ahead 13-4 by mid quarter. Hosley narrows the gap and adds two points right at the 24″ buzzer. Carter triples for a 10 point lead with 20′ left (16-6). Hunter responds to Baron, then Jones makes it an 8 point game. Nelson brings the score 21-10 but Roma narrows the gap to 7 by the end of the quarter. Janning adds three points and the quarter ends 24-15.

The green-and-whites start off with a 7-0 run lead by Hunter and Viggiano. Goss end the break, then Nelson knocks down the triple after 4′ to make the score 36-23. Rome comes within 6 (38-32 at mid quarter). Green adds two point long distance, but Goss adds points from the line (40-34 at 3’). The man from Virginia Tech brings in a three point play with a basket plus free throw. Siena is up by 12 with Haynes on the line with less than a minute left until the half (47-35). Mbakwe tightens the game from the line and the two teams head to the locker rooms with a score of 47-37.

Acea makes a 7-4 run at the start of the third (51-43 after 4’). Green resets a double figure lead with a three point play, followed by Haynes with two points on a fastbreak. Mbakwe ends Siena’s run (56-45 at mid quarter ). Moraschini and Baron narrow the gap and the score is 56-51 at 2’. Haynes and Hunter cstops the team from the capital’s run and the quarter end 58-51.

Baron kicks off the final quarter, but Haynes and Hunter immediately respond. Siena gets up by 10 after 2 and a half minutes (64-54). Hosley adds two free throws and Viggiano triples, but Szewczyk goes 2/2 from the free throw line. Ortner adds two point from the heart of the paint, buyt Baron responds long distance (69-60 at 4’30”). Haynes knocks down an impossible triple to help Siena widen the gap (76-60 at 1’).  Roma makes a 7-0 run, but it’s too late.  Montepaschi takes the match 76-67 and makes the semifinals.



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