The ticket office is open at least three days before home games from 10 -1 and 4-7. However, in order to ensure accuracy, precise days and hours of operation will be communicated each time.
To buy tickets on line:
It is currently possible to reserve seats using a money transfer (bonifico bancario).
Our bank coordinates are as follows:
Banca MPS – IBAN: IT 98 G 01030 14200 000012307416
made out to Mens Sana Basket SpA.
Send a fax with the transfer receipt to (39)0577/48051 indicating your name, a telephone number, the number of tickets, the type of tickets and for which game. Alternatively, you may send an email to [email protected].There is a 10% advance sale surcharge. You may retrieve your tickets on game day at our ticket office in the line marked “Accrediti e Numerati”.