Marco Crespi Presents Montepaschi-Giorgio Tesi Group Pistoia

1 December 2013  Mens Sana House

Montepaschi heads on court late this morning for a final practice for tomorrow night’s game, when the green-and-whites go up against Giorgio Tesi Group Pistoia at PalaEstra (time 8:30pm).

Coach Marco Crespi shares his thoughts with us today, game eve.:

“Pistoia is the championship team that plays the highest number of possessions. Athleticism, speed, attacking in transition each time and verticality  to attack with offensive rebounds. Moretti’s work has allowed him to grow, Wanamaker’s lead brings continuity, and Galanda’s wisdom helps everyone.  Our first goal is to be physically and mentally active before they are, in order to reduce the advantages of them playing with speed. It’s going to be a derby with so many people from Pistoia. It’s going to be great playing in front of our fans.”



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