Mens Sana, Now You’re Making History
25 June Press Release
La Nazione
PalaEstra is sold out for title finals game 6 tonight, Mens Sana’s last (at least in temrs of home games) before the dramatic meeting in July that awaits them. By yesterday morning, the club had already posted on its official website that there were no more tickets available in any sector, dashing the hopes of fans wishing to witness history in the making. The David and Goliath comparison adide, tonight’s match is going to be a truly unforgettable moment, no matter the outcome on court in Viale Sclavo. It will be one impossible nearly impossible to forget for those who’ve experienced this difficult and hard-fought, though exciting, year. It was a ride that began with the Supercup in October, continued with the Italian Cup lost to Sassari elimination for Europe. But it was a crazy and unique year but, after being turned upside down in December, something changed. The already very united group got things straight, despite what they were hearing was going on with the club. A group of one-of-a-kind human more than technical qualities, led by a man who perfectly embodied the drive to never give up of this city. Just like the rest of the season, the finals have also been “something different”. Down 2-0 against an Olimpia that seemed to have everything in control, a reaction came forth from men who decided that they’d sooner die than give up the Italian Champion title. They were able to turn around that negative situation with an enviable determination to play together, as if each one wanted to thoroughly enjoy every single moment separating them from the end of the season, and thus, the end of the club’s life. A final step is needed tonight to go down in history, to win the most hard-fought and thus the greatest title because it was unexpected. But no matter how the series ends, this team has already made sports history that will be told and passed on to those who haven’t been fortunate enough have witnessed it yet. It all begins at 8:30.
Guido De Leo