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Final Eight Tickets 03/02/2011

In light of the upcoming Coppa Italia Final Eight in Torino from February 10th-13th, Mens Sana Basket informs you that 60 “gradinata” tickets will be available at a special price of 10 euro instead of 20.50, for the quarterfinal match between Montepaschi and Scavolini Spar Pesaro at 6 PM on Thursday the 10th.

If you don’t want to miss out on the opportunity, call (0577/380810 e 0577/166001) starting today, Thursday, February 3rd to reserve a ticket. Each supporter has the right to one ticket per call.


Those interested in purchasing numbered seats in the section reserved for Montepaschi can do so through [email protected], specifying the club, or online at www.finaleight.it:



Parterre Full Price 110.00 €

Reduced U16 56.00 €


Tribuna Centrale Numerata Full Price 56.00 €

Reduced U16 28.50 €  


Tribuna Laterale Non Numerata Full Price 37,00 €  

Reduced U16 20.00 €



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