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Pianigiani Presents Montepaschi-Cimberio on MsbTv 05/02/2011

Simone Pianigiani comments, “It’s an important game for us because right now we need to try and hold up and maintain the lead in the rankings we’ve created. It’s a dangerous game for many reasons. First, because our emergency situation isn’t over, and we need continuously and carefully monitor our players’ conditions. Second, because Varese is the team that beat us round one and they have an experienced coach and players that don’t have problems playing games of this kind. They’re a team that certainly needs to be watched carefully and faced by stepping up our best characteristics, humility and defense, otherwise, we could be in trouble.”


Simone Pianigiani’s entire interview is available at the following link: https://menssanabasket.it/video/328/Simone_Pianigiani_presenta_MONTEPASCHI-VARESE.aspx



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