“We Know How to React”


HE WASN’T there last year, but he knows his teammates were able to turn around a big loss in game one in Piraeus. David Andersen wants to think positively and look forward. “We’re a team of experts and my teammates know perfectly well how to handle these situations. Though I don’t want to make comparisons to the past. Winning is never fun – home or away, by a few points or fifty. (...) The series now tilted in their favour, but we know it’s long and that we can get back in it. It’s a shame about our fourth quarter, which was difficult. We made a lot of mistakes, maybe too many.” The Australian big man was the best on court with 28 points scored. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to avoid a home loss that’s hard to swallow seeing as though the game seemed like a lock for Montepaschi for three quarters. “It’s a best of five series and we have a chance to change some things and do better than in game one. It will be hard, but we know how to work to change things and start again.”

Guido De Leo


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