“In Athens to Take It”


AUTHENTIC HERO of the hard-fought win in game two, Bo McCalebb was decisive in the finale, and not just then. “It was a very tough match. We were happy because now at 1-1 we’re going to Athens to take it.” The American had little to say, but pointed out the difficulty of a wide open series. “They are games with a lot of physicality and competition. They are a great team. We need to rfocus on the games in Greece. It’s a pity controlling for thirty-five minutes and then struggling so much.” Yet another fantastic performance from the point guard can’t go by unnoticed – not even by the NBA. “I don’t worry about that possibility – only about doing well in Siena. It’s a decisive moment in the season.” Zisis feels the same way. He comments on the troubles fourth quarter. “Unfortunately, we repeated the same theme as game one. We need to figure out why we risk wasting so many minutes in control with a finali where we make too many mistakes. It’s unusual to for us to miss free throws or lose intensity. We’ll work hard to not make the same mistakes in Athens.”


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