Under 17 and Under 14: Magro and Catalani Sum Up Easter Tournaments


An Easter weekend dedicated to basketball for Montepaschi’s youth involved in tournaments all across Italy.

Alessandro Magro’s Under 17 Eccellenzas participated in the Trofeo Barilà in Varese, where they took sixth place and gained important experience.

Coach Magro commented, “After 7 games in 5 days, we can sum things up as an overall positive experience. When you have the chance to face off against high level teams from other countries (Team Ohio was in our group) it’s truly a moment of growth and even more motivation for the guys. We had a chance to observe some guys that are of national interest, and the good thing is that we were able to finish the event feeling like team because of the commitment and dedication all 13 guys showed. It’s a little disappointing that we missed our chance in the match against Venezia (quarterfinals) to play for one of the top four spots. However, the guys continued fighting for the club the next two games. Tournaments like this represent a in important opportunity for growth and a team and an individual level.”

An important win for the Under 14, who triumphed at the Torneo Novipiù in Casale Monferrato

Coach Michele Catalani commented, “It was a very good experience for us. The final win was the result that makes us proud because the guys really dedicated themselves to this tournament. We knew we were going to meet some very prepared teams and the fact that we played four games at this level was a chance for us to learn how to become increasingly more efficient. Though not consistently, we were able to play 4 intense games.

In the finals against Treviso, we knew we were up against good team, both technically and physically. We’re happy we were able to start the game off well and manage it throughout the 40’; even staving off Benetton’s comeback attempt at the start of third quarter.  

Results aside, I think the value of this experience was having three days all together, learning to share all the little things during the tournament.  

Thanks obviously goes to Junior Casale, who hosted us and allowed for this great experience.”


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